Tuesday, May 30, 2006

If Someone Can Pretend to be George Stroumboulopoulos Can I be Chuck Norris!?

You know those silly Chuck Norris jokes going 'round lately. "Chuck Norris doesn't sleep - He waits". Well, obviously to todays culture Chuck Norris is a pretty superior human being.

So on the Hour, George was talking about how some person was pretending to be him on Myspace, and they had a semi-accurate and detailed page. I bet that happens quite frequently, and I bet some people do believe it. Well, if someone can pretend to be Todd Bridges, and diss Gary Coleman I wonder if I can pretend to be Chuck Norris and gain his superhuman powers and recognition? Cause I want the bogeyman to check his closet for me every night. Every night!!!

Does anybody think that this might work? Any other suggestions?


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh totally. You could actually kick Chuck Norris' ass any day.

Hilary M has counted to infinity. Twice.

hilary m. said...

more like.. three times!!

not like anyone is counting.

Allison said...

Have you seen the SNL skit "Young Chuck Noris?"

hilary m. said...

nope, I haven't. which is really too bad cause that won't help me gain his superhumanpowers. : )

Becky said...

The one going around at my school is "When chuck Norris gets in the pool, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norris."
When my school went to Jasper, someone made the mistake of hiring a guide named Chuck. You can imagine how that went.

hilary m. said...

ooh, I've never heard that one. I like it!

ohdear. I feel sorry for the poor man. the school should be glad there's not a teacher named "Chuck". Our teachers get hell enough as it is. :)

Anonymous said...

Wait- does George have a real Myspace page b/c I think I asked him to be my friend (hides head in shame). I hate GD myspace

hilary m. said...

He does. It's the one with the picture of him with aviators I believe. I don't have myspace, but I check out profiles once and while. If anyone has found his fake myspace, let me know.

Becky said...

George's fake MySpace is myspace.com/gstroumboulopoulous, while his real one is myspace.com/georgestroumboulopoulos.

hilary m. said...

thanks becky!

I need to check out the fake one.