Monday, August 07, 2006

Catching Up.

For today I'll update everyone one what's happened since the time that I last posted in the cyber cafe. My cousins arrived, which was really fun. It's always good to catch up with family. We went on a fishing trip, and "acquired" eight fish. Acquired because we caught three, and were "gifted" five. Oh well, it made for good supper anyways.

I had been devoutly listening to Sounds Like Canada the entire time, and managed to send an email when I had the advantage of a cyber cafe. Jian had Justin Trudeau on a week ago or so, and was joking about himself being the "persian Justin Trudeau". I sent an email that said something like, "Don't worry Jian, my mum thinks you're the persian Justin Trudeau. Best Wishes, hilary m.". My mother and I were sitting down on the dock when it was read that Thursday, and it gave us a chuckle. She did in fact say that she thought Jian could definitely be the persian Justin Trudeau, for intelligence, and of course charming good looks. Unfortunatly, they didn't reply to our offer about 4th row Who seats.

Soon after, we left for home, stopping in Moose Jaw at the spa. I'm not really a huge fan of riding in cars. Especially since the scenery from Winnipeg to Calgary isn't horribly extravagant. I had a good Madeliene L'Engle book (which I finished when we got to Regina), and my iPod. I suppose it was okay. We also were listening to the Satellite Radio. Which is kinda interesting, it really depends. I love Moose Jaw though, it's great for a little town in Saskatchewan. Staying there is a pleasure. On our way to the cottage I stopped at Moose Jaw and acquired a shirt from a music store called "Time Warp" that had the store logo and said "I got WARPED in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan", it's priceless. So now I'm back in Calgary, trying to catch up with everything. Which is kinda tricky.

My computer is being horrible. So I've decided to post a blog with pictures in the near future. Stay calm... be brave... and wait for the signs.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh your mom is so famous now. She will forever be known as the mom who hit on Jian Ghomeshi.

I quite like Moose Jaw too. Have you ever gone through the tunnels? They're actually really cool. And you gotta love the big old moose statue on the highway. It's one of the signs that you wait for...

hilary m. said...

Or rather the mother who's fancy of Jian Ghomeshi got exposed by her rather devious daughter.

I have, both the gangster ones and the Chinese ones. The Chinese tunnels were fascinating, though horrible. I didn't learn about that in school, it's a terribly ignored part of Canadian history. I have noticed the Moose Jaw sign, I really like waiting for those signs.

Allison said...

Sounds like your having a great summer! I wish that SLC could be indiv streamed, because I keep missing it b/c of work! Or my computer crapping out.
But I agree with your mom :)
The Justin Trudeau interview was quite good eh?

Alana Elliott said...

LOL, you could not be more right about the ride from Winnipeg to Calgary being uneventful. I've made that trip via car a few times, and thankfully car rides make me sleepy, so I sleep all the way through Saskatchewan, lol.

I recently heard reading while in a vehicle encourages car sickness, but I've never experienced it myself. Have you found it to affect you at all?

hilary m. said...

Ugh, that's too bad Allison. I hate when your schedule interferes with stuff like that. I remember having to get an update from my mum about the National Playlist last year, because of school. I really enjoyed the Justin Trudeau interview too. For some reason, though he seems like the most modest person in Canada he still seems kinda arrogant to me. Although I think he's a great person.

You're so lucky Alana! I have major car issues. I can't ever get to sleep, unless I'm really really tired or incredibly ill. And I have definitely experienced the full effects of "reading-in-the-car-nausea". Although only when I'm driving from Lake of the Woods to Winnipeg, or in the mountains. Otherwise, outside Calgary is just kinda flat.