Saturday, June 03, 2006

Help Me!!!

Okay, I'm reorginizing my dad's record collection and I have 2 shelves done, 8 to go plus I've been doing it for like 2 hours and I don't think I'll ever finish and I'm doing the 30 hour famine so my blood sugars probably dropped like a million from running around and my friends coming over soon and we're supposed to make a trailer for a film adaption of Kite Runner and I have to be Amir and does anybody know young boy actors from the middle east?


Barbara Bruederlin said...

That was the longest sentence I have read today. I don't know any young boy actors from the Middle East, but I do know that record collection organization WILL wait another day without anybody getting killed.

hilary m. said...

phewwwf. I think it will. Well, I have a friend over to help. Which gives me 4 shelves done 6 to go. The problem is, my friend is also doing the famine. Hm. How would you categorize Smokey Robinson and the Miracles? S, R or M?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Dang, that's a good question. I would probably go with M. Doesn't the band name take priority?

hilary m. said...

hmm. Yeah. But than again, there's someone like Neil Young who's definitely more important than Crazy Horse. Err, those records are so subjective.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Just go with your heart. Dad will figure it out.

hilary m. said...

I guess I will. Some of the records were like, Her Majesty's Royal Orchestra 1943-1956. I'm not sure if he'll be keen on finding that one.

Barbara said...

How did it all go?
Are you finished?
You must be exhausted by now.

hilary m. said...

It was definitely worth it by the end! We finally finished alphabetizing it whilst watching Transamerica and Capote. Then in the morning we managed to shelve it all. My friend and I woke up at 6 in the morning and ate a whole bag of licorices (probably not the best after-fast snack). And we got them up on the shelves. It was quite the experience! My dad has some pictures, I'll post them soon.