Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring Breaking News

Ah, the break has been very nice to me so far. I went out to Vancouver with my mum for a couple days, we got some good shopping done and the west coast was absolutely fabulous. I love how everything isn't brown, dry, sad and desolate. At least it's better than Dallas, where my dad went last weekend. Apparently, there are no shops downtown, everyone drives, the food is large and fattening, the people are large, there is lots of poverty and violence. Did I mention, everything there is in the suburbs? People, malls, parks (or absence of parks), schools, services, EVERYTHING. Except the corporations. I'm not quite sure what this world is coming to. Whatever it is, Dallas isn't a good example. It sounds awful.

Well.. I'm going to Fernie tomorrow. I went shopping, and saw a movie with Taylor and Nigel, which was very fabulous. I don't want to go to Fernie though, yikes, I never get any time at home!

Well. You guys should read the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Great book, I'm not finished yet so I should get back to it!

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