Friday, November 17, 2006

Left-handed with scissors

Today I tried to cut my first hairs. My brother, who has icky shoulder-length head-banging hair. My mum and I were sick of it, so we persuaded (I don't know how) him to let us cut it. So I got the scissors and started cutting the back of it. Meanwhile, I'm not doing very well, and my mum's totally exaggerating how bad I'm doing. Then James starts to get scared, and we're laughing at him because his hair is lopsided. Finally, it's finished (My mum took up cutting after that). He didn't like it very much, and it wasn't exactly fabulous... but at least it's not past his shoulders. So it's a bit of a bowl cut, but his bangs are kind of... stylish? Well probably not, but at least we tried. *Update: We took him to the hair dresser's and now all the long greasiness is gone! I can actually see his face, wow. It's about 5 inches shorter though, so he'll take a while to get used to it.

Parent teacher interviews went well last night. My parents spent time talking to James' teachers too, so I hung out with my friends for a lot of the time. There was a used book sale going on in the lobby, and I went to look at the books they had for sale. 75% of them were cheap romance novels, so I understood why they weren't doing very well. But they were fun to read, and my friend and I were reading them out loud, cause they were so corny. I bought one, to support the food bank or something... It's called "Inadmissible Passion". I haven't read it yet, and I don't think I will. But it would make for an interesting conversation piece.


Anonymous said...


hilary m. said...

C'mon, it looks good James.
Plus you can never trust a left-handed person with scissors. Go to sleep now, I just walked in and you're sitting at your computer.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Maybe you can give to book to your brother for Christmas. You know, to make up for chopping all his hair off.

hilary m. said...

I should!
I'm sure he'd love, "Inadmissable Passion". That would be a lovely little stocking stuffer.

Evelyne said...

You are lucky Hilary, my brothers would have never let me do that to them!

hilary m. said...

I don't know how I convinced him Evelyne. It was a miracle.